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Tag - forensic occupational therapy

Australiasian Forensic Occupational Therapy Forum 2021

On World Occupational Therapy Day, Forensicare’s occupational therapy team are supporting the facilitation of a free online forensic occupational therapy forum. With the theme of “Transitions”, the forum will explore the role occupational therapists play in supporting consumers to transition to less restrictive environments.

Forensic occupational therapy: transforming lives of those who need it most

Occupational therapy is all about helping people be the best version of themselves—and forensic occupational therapy is no different.What is forensic occupational therapy?Forensic occupational therapy helps people living with a mental illness do the things they need to in order to live healthier, more enriching, more satisfying lives. “I believe everyone deserves to do the things they need to do to feel like themselves,” Forensicare Chief Occupational Therapist Marissa Davidson-Blue said.“In forensic mental health, we’re often working with people who haven’t had a very good [...]