COVID-19: Important information for visitors to Forensicare.

Monthly Archives - October 2024

COVID-19 Update for Visitors

At Forensicare, we acknowledge that COVID-19 is still in the community even though pandemic orders have ended. Hence, our COVID-19 information has evolved to reflect these changes. Pandemic-level precautions have changed to regular transmission-based precautions, such as when dealing with other infectious diseases. Updated 28 October 2024 COVID-19 and Influenza A: Important information for visitors to Forensicare | Forensicare

New ID requirements for Visitors to Thomas Embling Hospital

From mid-morning on 17 October our new hospital entrance became the way all consumers, staff and visitors access Thomas Embling Hospital (TEH). This marks the completion of the first major new building at the hospital, and a major milestone in our hospital redevelopment. The new entrance building was designed to help the pathway in, and out, of the hospital to be clear, smooth and accessible to all.  The foyer has easy access to our reception staff and a quiet [...]