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Monthly Archives - October 2022

Thomas Embling Hospital Bed Expansion Project – Update October 2022

This week marks the next stage in the landmark expansion of Thomas Embling Hospital, Forensicare’s secure forensic mental health service.On Wednesday, Acting Minister for Mental Health Colin Brooks announced John Holland had been appointed to deliver the $462.5 million project, which will include a new dedicated 34-bed women’s precinct, a 48-bed medium security men’s facility, a new entry complex, onsite carpark and administration facilities.The project Co-design and Engagement Report was also released this week. This follows a comprehensive co-design [...]

The sacrifice you might not know you’re making

Something that comes up often in the reflective practice space is a preparedness to show up for others. And whilst this is admirable and often humbling to witness, it also often occurs at the expense of attending to our own needs and wellbeing. Today, October 10th is World Mental Health Day, with the theme ‘make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’.In this edition of The Ascent, we highlight the common tendency in health professionals to ‘self-sacrifice’ [...]