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Research Priority 3

Strengthens the capability and wellbeing of our staff

(Use ctrl f to search for key words or authors.)

Papalia, N., Simmons, M., Ruffles, J., Spivak, B., Dunne, A., Fullam, R., & Ogloff, J. R. P. (2024). Discriminative and predictive validity of risk assessment measures for women incarcerated for serious violent offences in Australia. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.

Coulter, D.J., & Lloyd, C.D. (2023). Using a reassessment framework to determine critical case management needs: DRAOR improves on LS/RNR’s predictive discrimination of short-term recidivism. Psychology, Crime, & Law.

Day, A., Daffern, M., Woldgabreal, Y. & Currie-Powell, N. (2023). Rehabilitative progress in prison: Some challenges and possibilities. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 67.

Ashford, L. J., Spivak, B. L., Ogloff, J. R., & Shepherd, S. M. (2023). Statistical learning methods and cross-cultural fairness: Trade-offs and implications for risk assessment instruments. Psychological Assessment, 35(6), 484-496.

Mcewan, T. E., Pichler, A. S., Ogloff, J. R., & Simmons, M. (2023). The Validity of the ODARA in Australian Intimate Partner Violence Cases Without Prior Assault/Credible Threat or Cohabitation. Criminal Justice and Behavior50(5), 627-647.

Blake, G. A., Ogloff, J. R., & Antolak-Saper, N. (2023). Interpreting R v Presser: a clinician’s guide to contemporary Australian fitness to stand trial case law. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 30(6), 836-862.

Coulter, D.J., Lloyd, C.D., & Serin, R.C. (2023). Psychometric properties of a risk tool across Indigenous Māori and European samples in Aotearoa New Zealand: Measurement invariance, discrimination, and calibration for predicting criminal recidivism. Assessment, 30(8), 2560-2579.

Davies, S., Lloyd, C.D., & Polaschek, D.P.P. (2023). Does risk change simply indicate current risk for recidivism or something more? A review of the predictive value of intra-individual change. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(8), 1102-1119.

Davies, S., Lloyd, C.D., & Polaschek, D.P.P. (2023). Do some dynamic risk factors signal imminent recidivism? Testing the conceptual distinction between stable and acute dynamic risk factors. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(8), 1120-1139.

Maguire, T., Garvey, L., Ryan, J., Levett-Jones, T., Olasoji, M., & Willetts, G. (2023). Exploring adaptations to the Clinical Reasoning Cycle for forensic mental health nursing: A qualitative enquiry. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 32(2), 544-555.

Sheed, A.T., McEwan, T., Papalia, N., Spivak, B., & Simmons, M. (2023). Assessing risk of family violence by young people: Identifying recidivism base rates and the validity of the VP-SAFvR for youth. Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 50(8), 1079-1101.

de Roos, M. S., Lloyd, C. D., & Serin, R. C. (2023). General Criminal Dynamic Risk and Strength Factors Predict Short-Term General Recidivism Outcomes Among People Convicted of Sexual Crime During Community Supervision. Sexual Abuse35(8), 981-1008.

Corner, E., McEwan, T., & Logan, C. (2023). Editorial: Grievance-fueled violence: conceptual and empirical developments [Editorial]. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

Hunt, J. S., & Shepherd, S. M. (2023). Racial justice in psycholegal research and forensic psychology practice: Current advances and a framework for future progress. Law and Human Behavior, 47(1), 1-11.

Cooper, A.J., Pathé, M.T., & McEwan, T.E. (2022). The role of grievance in fatal family violence and implications for the construct of lone actor grievance-fuelled violence. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.