COVID-19: Important information for visitors to Forensicare.

Information for Service Providers

As the state-wide specialist provider of forensic mental health services in Victoria, Forensicare is heavily dependent on the professionalism, reliability, and expertise of our service provider network to enable us to deliver on our purpose and strategic objectives of meaningful lives led safely, hope in recovery and connected care. 

Our Facilities and Asset Management team (F&AM) is responsible for Forensicare’s maintenance works delivery.
To contact the F&AM team:
Office Hours: 7:30am – 4:00pm, Monday to Friday 
T: +61 3 9495 9169  

The Redevelopment team is responsible for Forensicare’s capital works projects, such as the current hospital expansion currently underway.
To contact the Redevelopment team:
Office hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday

Other key contacts when working onsite:
Head of Facilities and Asset Management T: 03 9495 9415 
Clinical Administration T: 03 9495 9156 
Security Control Room T: 03 9495 9108 

Our Expectations


Service providers have a responsibility to themselves, their family and fellow workers to ensure compliance with site safety and legislative requirements. All service providers involved in construction and maintenance are expected to familiarise themselves with the information provided below, and to adhere to Forensicare expectations at all times. Failure to do so could put any current and future work with Forensicare at risk. As an employee or contractor working here you must ensure:  
  •  you have been properly briefed on the work that you will be doing and have the correct equipment to do your work  
  • you have been fully trained on how to do your work in a safe manner and are fully across your company’s OHS manuals, policies and procedures 
  • you act in a manner that promotes and provides for the safety of yourself, fellow employees, service providers, patients and the general public.  

Code of Conduct  

Respect by all for all – all the time. By ensuring you act in accordance with our policies, you will not only champion values of fairness, kindness, and respect, but you will also ensure representation of your and our organisation is in line with Forensicare’s values and policies.Gender based harassment, discrimination, bullying, vilification, or victimisation in our workplace is not tolerated and it is unlawful. There are significant consequences for anyone found breaching policies.

Appropriate Personal Appearance and Presentation  

Suggestive clothing or body coverings with concepts that could be offensive or triggering, jewellery or other items of apparel that might interfere with the safety of you or others is not permitted. Proper work attire requires the use of closed-toe shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) which are shoes with a closed heel and toe.


Forensicare is a smoke-free environment. Smoking (including vaping and eCigarettes) is not permitted anywhere on Forensicare grounds including inside the hospital walls or anywhere on the hospital property. Smoking is only permitted outside the property boundaries.


Forensicare is required to be fully compliant with the following Acts and Regulations for all works that occur at Thomas Embling Hospital.   The Acts ensure that we are respectful to, do not disturb and if the discovery of any items that are suspected of possibly being of Aboriginal Heritage or Heritage significance that works cease immediately and we notify the Council as soon as possible.  There are significant individual penalties of which will be payable by you and/or your employer for non-compliance with the Acts. Should any items be discovered as a result of your works at Thomas Embling Hospital that fall within categories mentioned within the Acts, stop work immediately and notify our Facilities and Asset Management team.  

Vaccination Requirements

To maintain a high level of safety and care for everyone, service providers are asked to familiarise themselves with the following Forensicare vaccination requirements  


The Victorian State Government requires those who work in healthcare be vaccinated against the Flu. These health directions pertain to Forensicare employees, volunteers, students, and our service providers that are patient facing or regularly in clinical areas.

Service providers who come into regular contact with patients, staff and visitors will be required to provide annual Flu vaccination evidence. This will be captured as part of the online service provider induction.

Have symptoms? 

It is important to us that we are able to provide an environment where we can protect you, our staff, consumers, and visitors.

If you have any of the following symptoms, we may at our discretion either request a RAT be conducted before entry or refuse entry to site:

  • fever, chills or body aches
  • recent onset of a cough or shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
  • recent onset of runny nose or congestion
  • nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • tested positive for Covid.


There may be times Forensciare requires service providers to undertake a Covid test as a condition of entry to our sites. This is to ensure the health and safety of our staff and consumers.

If you test positive (whether from a Forensicare conducted test, or elsewhere), you and/or your employer must notify the Manager, Facilities and Asset Management immediately and provide details to WorkSafe. WS – Covid Form Unauthenticated (

For the most up to date COVID19 health alerts please visit:  Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert | Australian Government Department of Health


At times, service providers may be required to wear masks within the hospital grounds. In these instances, advice on mask requirements will be provided when attending site.

General Access, Facilities and Parking

ID card and keys  

Service providers are responsible and accountable for the safekeeping, proper use and safe return of their keys upon exiting the site.

In the event of loss of keys and/or identification, the loss must be reported immediately to security staff and the nurse in charge if you are in a unit and a search of the area must be initiated.

Lanyards are to be worn around your neck at all times while inside the hospital secure perimeter and keys are to be carried as inconspicuously as possible, using the chain or cord provided to securely fast key to belt or clothing.

You are not to leave keys unattended at any time.

If unable to find the lost keys and/or lanyard, Clinical Administration and your Forensicare Contract Manager must be notified immediately.

You may be asked to provide an Incident report.


Toilet facilities are available in most areas. Speak to Thomas Embling Hospital staff to ascertain the closest toilet that is available to you. Patient bathrooms are not to be used at any time.

There is a kiosk in the Recreation building where you can purchase hot food, coffee, sandwiches, and cold drinks.


Service providers are asked to park in the Fairlea East Oval and other public parking areas outside of Thomas Embling Hospital.

Signing In and Out of Site

All service providers must register their attendance each day by signing in on arrival and out on departure using a dedicated service provider QR code.

Sign in QR codes are located across Thomas Embling Hospital grounds. They can be found at:

  • The Facilities and Asset Management Office
  • Admin Building Reception Entry
  • Security Entry

Any service providers attending site outside of normal business hours shall also report to Clinical Administration upon arrival and prior to departing site.  Clinical Administration is onsite 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Contractor Pre-Qualification and Induction

We have a compulsory induction process for all service providers working at our sites.

You will not be able to work at Forensicare without having a completed induction,  and with supporting and current documents and credentials uploaded, sighted and approved by us.

All contracting companies must complete Pre-Qualification and provide us with all relevant insurance certificates and OHS information.  New contracting companies to Forensicare will receive an invitation from us to complete Pre-Qualification within our Contractor Management System. For more information on how to Pre-Register your company can be found here Pre-Register and Induct your Company and Staff [for New Contractors]

Service providers are to complete an online induction and provide us with any trade credentials and ID requirements.

As an employee of a contracting company, you will be invited to complete our induction by your employer.

We look forward to welcoming you on board.

Information specific to our Cleaners and Caterers

Additional Induction Requirements

Cleaners and Caterers will also be required to participate in an additional induction provided by our Procurement and Logistics team. During this induction you will be provided with further information specific to cleaners and caterers working onsite, a demonstration on how to use your duress alarm, how to report your attendance into each unit and how to interact with patients.

Point of Contact at Forensicare

Contact our Procurement and Logistics Team
Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm
T: +61 3 9495 9112

Police Checks

All service providers (including their employees and sub-contractors) working at Forensicare are required to hold a valid National Police Check (NPC) before commencing work with us.

An NPC no older than 12 months old is to be provided when completing Forensicare’s online induction. It is valid for 3 years from the date of issue, after which time a new NPC will be required.

Forensicare only accepts National Police Checks (also known as Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks) prepared by ACIC accredited organisations. Additional information on ACIC accredited providers can be found here.

Some of the more commonly used ACIC accredited providers are:

Apply for an National Police Certificate Online | Veritas Check

Start Check | National Police History Check |

CrimCheck Registrations :: Home | Crimcheck

Your NPC is securely stored with us; however, in accordance with Public Records of Victoria requirements, all checks are deleted within 6 months of us having received it.

Request a Permit

Our ‘Permit to Work’ (PTW) system has been designed to control the risks applicable to specific activities of service providers on our sites.

A permit must be sought when any high-risk work is to be carried out including, but not limited to, any work in a confined space, demolition, excavation, hot works, isolation, and working at heights.

It is your responsibility to ensure that permits are applied for in advance of works commencing. Please submit any permit requests 3 working days’ prior to when needed.

To request a permit, please follow our Request a Permit to Work process.

In the instances where permits need to be requested whilst on site (e.g., for emergency works), you can do so by following our Request an Emergency Permit to Work process.

Safety and Emergency Information

Fires and Fire Emergencies  

The Fire Detection System installed throughout Thomas Embling Hospital utilises a combination of smoke and thermal detection devices.  These devices can at times be triggered by work that generates dust, smoke, or sparks.  

It is your responsibility to:   

  • check the area(s) in which you are working to check there are no smoke and/or thermal detection devices in those.   You are to be mindful in this assessment of detection devices that nearby devices may still be affected by dust, smoke or sparks and ensure that the relevant detection devices are completely covered. Detector covers are available from Infrastructure and Site Services and must be fitted prior to any works being conducted. 
  • obtain and complete a Fire Impairment and Isolation Permit to allow for any  smoke,  thermal or sprinkler fire detection/suppression devices prior to any works being undertaken.

At the conclusion of works, you are to follow the necessary process to have the previously isolated detection devices put back into normal service operation mode and the Fire Impairment Permit discharged.  

Note that the Contracting Company will be liable for any costs associated with the Fire Service attending site for any false alarm activations.  

Fire Emergencies

A Fire Emergency could occur in the hospital at any time. It is important you familiarise yourself with the location of any firefighting equipment such as extinguishers, hose reels and know the location of any fire exits.    

Should the fire alarm activate you are to immediately report to the Local Emergency Officer (LEO) in the Staff Station and await further instruction / evacuate as advised by Local Emergency Officer (LEO) . 

On hearing this alarm all contract staff are required to ensure there are no other persons in the immediate area they are leaving (i.e. in roof space) and immediately report to the Local Emergency Officer (LEO) in the Staff Station and await further instruction.  

Service providers whose work may generate dust or smoke –relevant permits must be obtained prior to the commencement of work.    

Failure to do so may result in the contracting company being liable for expenses associated with Fire Service call outs.  

Fire Extinguishers   

Portable fire equipment is installed throughout the hospital and are to be used for small, minor fires in the early development stages and to control or extinguish a fire, prior to the arrival of fire services.  

Please refer to the types of extinguishers on site and in which specific circumstances they can be used here. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with this content before arriving on site.    

It is important that fire equipment is not tampered with. Misuse of the fire equipment will result in permanent removal from the hospital and all associated cost for rectification being sought from the entity responsible. 

Please refer here to the types of extinguishers on site and in which specific circumstances they can be used. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with this content before arriving on site.    

First Aid 

If you witness a first aid emergency, locate the closest member of staff to seek first aid facilities and/or emergency services assistance as required.  

If you require First Aid treatment, if able, contact the nearest member of staff and report to the Infrastructure and Site Services office.   

If you are injured and unable to move from your location as a result of your injuries:    

  • Contact the Security Control Room via two-way radio on Channel 1 
  • Press your Personal Duress Alarm
  • Telephone the Security Control Room on 03 9495 9108 (Extension 108).  

Please ensure your report any injuries by following our Report an OHS Accident or Incident process.

Report an Accident or Incident

All injuries (no matter how minor), hazards and near misses must be reported to our as soon as possible after the incident – but no more than 24 hours after the occurrence. Prompt reporting, recording and investigation of the incident assists in ensuring the ongoing safety of all individuals by preventing a repeat occurrence.

Please follow our reporting processes:

Please note you may be requested to participate in an incident investigation, if one is required.

Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets (SDS/MSDS) (created by the chemical manufacturer) provide information about a substance or mixture for use in workplace chemical management.  

All service providers must hold any/all necessary SDS as required based on the task undertaken. Forensicare may request to see these at any time. 

Compliments and Complaints

Your feedback is important to us. Not only does it help us improve but lets us know when we’re doing a great job!

Should you wish to provide any feedback or want to let us know you’ve enjoyed doing business with us, please email us at